PRF (Platelet-rich Fibrine)

 What is PRF?

 Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a groundbreaking new technique in regenerative medicine that many patients are benefiting from. PRF is a meshwork of cytokines, growth factors, and cells that are harvested from a small amount of the patient’s own blood. This blood is spun at a specific rate and time to form a fibrin clot full of regenerative potential.

 platelet rich fibrin         prf

 What is PRF used for?

 PRF has many applications including the following:

 Prevention of dry sockets after wisdom tooth removalPRF placed into an extraction site

  • Regeneration of bone after tooth removalPRF placed into an extraction site
  • Soft tissue graftingPRF placed over area of soft tissue deficiency to assist in soft tissue healing
  • Regeneration of bone after removal of cysts and other maxillofacial pathologyPRF placed into bony defect
  • Closure of oroantral communication/fistulaPRF placed over defect
  • Sinus liftsPRF placed over lifted sinus membrane to assist in bony fill and maintenance of sinus health
  • Cosmetics/SkincareInjectable PRF used for hair and skin rejuvenation and treatment of deep scarring and skin hyperpigmentation


    Here’s what to expect when you visit a CARE Esthetics clinic for PRF Treatment:

    1. Blood Extraction
      Premier, we will draw a small amount of your blood through a virtually painless procedure.
    2. Blood Centrifugation
      Your blood will be processed in a centrifuge and spun slowly to produce PRF, ensuring that the blood will not separate as much as PRP.
    3. PRF Collection & Injection
      The PRF will be collected from the vial through a syringe and injected into the treatment areas.

Why use PRF?

 Surgeons and patients alike are benefiting from the use of PRF in surgical applications. From increasing post-operative comfort to assisting in regeneration of natural tissues PRF offers vast advantages

  • Significant decrease in patient discomfort. The use of PRF has been shown to reduce the risk of complications and restrictions a patient may experience. The result is a notable decrease in patient discomfort, post-surgical pain, and post-op bleeding.
  • It’s 100% natural and safe and easy to produce. PRF is derived from a patient’s own blood and processed and optimized for their clinical benefit. The use of PRF does not require anticoagulants, bovine thrombin, or any other foreign materials or chemicals. This means that patients have nearly no risk of a foreign body reaction.
  • PRF has been shown to result in significantly faster healing. This process generates a fibrin network that leads to more efficient cell migration and faster cell regeneration.

Impact of Platelet-Rich Fibrin on Mandibular Third Molar Surgery Recovery:

Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Fibrin After Mandibular Third Molar Extraction:  

Platelet rich fibrin in the management of established dry socket:

Srinivas Chakravarthi


Effectiveness of platelet-rich fibrin in the management of pain and delayed wound healing associated with established alveolar osteitis (dry socket)

Ashish Sharma,


Guided bone regeneration in staged vertical and horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts: a retrospective clinical study

Pourquoi A-PRF de Choukroun?

De nombreuses études récentes ont montré l'intérêt et le potentiel des globules blancs dans la cascade inflammatoire, comme corollaire, une action importante dans les premiers jours de la stimulation des cellules ostéo-progénitrices. (Omar & Thomsen, biomatériaux, 2012, Kawazoe T, Cellule. Une greffe 2012)

Il était donc naturel d'essayer de capturer la totalité du montant des monocytes dans le PRF, pour le rendre plus actif dans la stimulation des greffes osseuses, mais aussi de se tourner vers une transformation plus rapide des monocytes en macrophages pour augmenter la stimulation osseuse de l'effet.

Cela se fait avec la UNE-PRF ou Avancée-PRF.

Le concept de PRF (Platelet-rich Fibrine) est basé sur la centrifugation du sang total sans Anticoagulants. (J. al Choukroun et. 2001). A la fin de la rotation, un caillot de fibrine contenant la majorité des plaquettes et des globules blancs est obtenue.

Ce caillot de fibrine appelé Platelet Rich Fibrin or PRF libérera progressivement et les facteurs de croissance ou cytokines dans le site (VEGF, PDGF, TGF Beta, thrombospondine)

L'objectif attendu de ces facteurs de croissance est d'accélérer les tissus mous et la cicatrisation osseuse.

De nombreuses publications internationales (143+) sont disponibles et démontrer l'efficacité de PRF dans de nombreuses indications: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Orthopédique, Dermatological surgery.

Aujourd'hui, le PRF est reconnu dans le monde, from Nice to New York, from Los Angeles to Shanghai, de Rangoon à Moscou, de Sao Paulo au Cap, Santiago à Zagreb, Boca Raton to Delray

Son efficacité est sans aucun doute prouvé.

flècheLes indications:

Facial Esthetics Microneedling-Vampire Facial
Sinus lift
Bone grafting
Troubles de l’ATM
Augmentation des tissus mous
Wisdom Teeth Extractions