Dentes do siso

What is an impacted tooth?

Although most people develop and grow 32 permanent adult teeth, many times their jaws are too small to accommodate the four wisdom teeth. When inadequate space prevents the teeth from erupting they are called impacted wisdom teeth. This indicates their inability to erupt into the proper position for chewing and cleaning.

A diagram half mouth X-ray with teeth impaction and half digital highlighting impacted teeth

Types Of Impactions

We will need to see you for a consultation to determine if you will benefit from remoção do dente do siso. A special x-ray of your mouth and jaws (panorex) will be taken to determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted, if there is room for them to erupt, and how difficult it will be to have them removed.

  • Impactação de tecidos moles: There is not enough room to allow the gum tissue to retract for adequate cleaning of the tooth.
  • Impactação óssea parcial: There is enough space to allow the wisdom tooth to partially erupt. No entanto, the tooth cannot function properly in the chewing process, and creates cleaning problems, among others.
  • Impactação óssea completa: There is NO space for the tooth to erupt. It remains embedded in the jaw bone or if even partially visible requires complex surgical techniques for removal.The impacted wisdom tooth may also be in an unusual position and difficult to remove. This situation can also arise when the shape or size of the jaw bone and other facial structures make removal of this tooth significantly more complex.
A representation of a wisdom tooth impacted by soft tissueSoft Tissue
An example of a wisdom tooth with a partial bony impactionPartial Bony
An illustration of a wisdom tooth completely impacted by boneComplete Bony

Experimente um sorriso sem dor com a remoção dos dentes do siso!

Dr. Katz oferece uma série de tratamentos odontológicos que podem manter sua boca saudável e seu sorriso bonito. Contate-nos hoje!
Ligue para nós: 561-499-3331